Overdose Resource Kit


Overdose Resource Kits are sturdy metal boxes that can contain:

  1. Narcan 4mg Kits (Qty. 3 incl.)
  2. Narcan Administration Instructions (incl.)
  3. Identifying an Overdose Information (incl.)
  4. Wall Mounting Kit (incl.)
  5. Fentanyl Test Strips (Recommended, Not included but available free from WI DHS)
  6. 211 Suicide and Addiction Hotline Information (incl.)
  7. Dispose RX Packets to Safely Dispose of Unused Opioid Prescriptions (Not incl.)


We recommend mounting a school Overdose Resource Kit near the Automated External Defibrillator (AED), usually located in the gymnasium. They may also be placed in public-accessible buildings such as libraries, gas stations, convenience stores, businesses, municipal offices, etc.

In addition to mounting your Overdose Resource Kit appropriately, it’s extremely important to train all school administrators and teachers on Narcan administration and to weave how to identify an opioid overdose and how to administer Narcan into your overall drug education program.

To order an Overdose Resource Kit, email George Moore at gemoore3@att.net. In return, we only ask for a nominal donation to the GIV Recovery Fund to enable us to support the addiction community.


Placement of Narcan Overdose Resource Kits by George IV Recovery Foundation

We have placed kits all over the U.S. but in particular within the state of Wisconsin.